
Jay Kilgore Adobe Photoshop retouching video

Jay Kilgore, a nationally published fashion and glamour photographer has just released a comprehensive photoshop instruction video! the videos here are to teach you real world working tips and tricks.

The videos are for photographers of all levels. They start out as a “basic” simple approach and evolve into more of an intermediate or advanced status. The earlier videos have on screen displays for you to follow along with in the event you get lost. Of course being videos, you are more than free to stop, rewind and replay all the videos.

These videos DO contain Artistic Nudity and in no way meant to offend. The use of Artistic Nudity goes a long way in not only describing, but SHOWING the effects of a good black and white processed image. If nudity offends you, please don’t watch videos 4&5.

Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC
The intro video. This video gives a brief overview of what we’ll be doing, the tools you’ll need to assist you in your retouching job as well as showing the techniques that we’ll be learning, on images already retouched. Every image on display was shot and edited by Jay Kilgore. Vvideos are for photographers of all levels.
Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC

The first video up is a retouch of Kylee. I chose this photo because it’s a great photo and because it gives us a lot of things to review. It’s a great starting off photo and we’ll have fun. The tools covered:

  • Photo layers
  • Heal tool
  • Liquify tool
Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC

The second video is of Morgan outdoors. I wanted to show different techniques as well as using something not in studio and how it can enhance your photoshoping. I’m attracted to bright, colorful things and always in my mind I’m thinking “How can I make this “pop” more. Tools covered:

  • Layers
  • Heal tool
  • Liquify
  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Saturation
Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC

The third video is of Kaitlin and an implied shot. This photo is perfect to jump into a bit more “advanced” photoshop technique as she loved her butt in the jeans. We will cover retouching as well as advanced dodge and burn techniques. We will really accentuate everything while keeping the focus on her. Tools covered:

  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Curves
  • Layers
  • Imagenomic Portraiture
Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC

You knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time! Hey, I’m a glamour photographer, what can I say? Our model for the black and white conversion video is Cebre. Cebre has a great body and using photos that was taken with window light and a reflector, well it screamed use me, use me..so I did.

Tools used:

  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Curves
  • Alien Skin
  • Imagenomic Portraiture
  • Black and white technique
Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC I decided after some thinking, that I should do a video that features a cool black and white conversion that gives the same effect as AlienSkin, but not using AlienSkin! The technique in this video is what I used for years before finding AlienSkin and I assure you, it works great!
Image copyright Jay Kilgore Photography LLC The final video is donated by a friend of mine, Eddie Gonzales from Dallas, TX. Eddie sent me his photo as I was looking for a photo that I can apply all my techinques used in the above videos. This video has no sound as I want you to be able ot recognize what I’m doing so you can apply it to your own work. Have fun with this one and thanks, Eddie!

I had a lot of fun creating these videos! It’s my scincire hope that you’ll gain as much from these videos, as I did when I learned how to do the different techniques here.

The price of the video is 59.00 and a download link will be sent to you with in 2hours (during business hours)


1 thought on “Jay Kilgore Adobe Photoshop retouching video”

  1. […] prided myself on my ability to connect and create with people (You can see this connection in mylighting video), however, the one area that I have problems with is connecting with people who expect me to either […]

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