Canon 6D and my style. I have my own style of photography. Everyone who has been shooting has their own style, their own eye. For me, I’m very particular in my style.
I’m naturally a very private person. If I know you, and really get to know you, I will share small things, but for the most part, I don’t share much about me. I figured it might be fun to do a 20 things about me that you might not know.
Meet the Models Caleb is a good one! I first met Caleb via Genna. I was offered to attend a shootout by a former student of mine.
Today I do Old School: Caleb. Yes, I know Old School is set for Friday, but I wanted to change it up a bit.
Any photographer who is worth their weight in their profession has asked themselves “Am I good enough?” Not good enough is a constant thought for the consummate photographer. We all are chasing our next best image and sometimes the chase…
When is a free shoot free? NEVER!! If you’ve owned a camera longer than 4 hours or if you’ve had modeling photos
Why Colorado will fail as an industry is simple. Yes, I didn’t ask you why, I stated: Why Colorado will fail as an industry and not only will it fail,
Are you truly a professional photographer? Professionalism rears it’s head in many ways, most often times photo quality is second in nature. I’ve seen many of my peers being called unprofessional for the things they do, I am no exception….
I’ll never shoot glamour again
It has been brought to my attention, that I am mean. Ok, I will be honest, I’ve been told this three to four years into becoming a professional photographer.