Meet the Models: Sera

I first met Sera on Myspace! Believe it or not that’s how far back this one goes!

I was relatively new to Colorado and looking to make a splash in the workshop world here. I was hosting a workshop that had around five or six models and wanted one more. The workshop was Sunday and Sera contacted me and said she wanted to model. To be totally honest I don’t remember what all was said between her and I, but I remember her telling me she wanted to shoot some nudes. I had told her to hold off on that and we’d talk after the workshop and set something up. The workshop was lingerie.

Sera showed up and all was well. Phuong was the only one that had an issue, but all was well with the other ladies. This was back in the days when my workshops weren’t workshops but sophisticated shootouts and everyone was grabbing a body and just shooting. Because everyone was just grabbing someone, Sera was left out. She was more quiet and an observer and the guys were wanting to shoot, shoot, shoot! It didn’t  help that I went over and sat down to talk to her. While we were talking, it dawned on me to start shooting so that’s what we did. While we were shooting, I explained to her my reasoning for not shooting nude at major workshops; it can get crazy out of hand. She agreed and while we talked, we shot some images:

After the workshop Sera and I kept in contact. I thought she was a sweetheart and fun to be around. This was around the same time ROCKSTAR magazine was having me shoot some of their pictorials. They contacted me and needed someone asap so I reached out to Sera. Being she initially said she was OK with shooting nudes I gave her the first crack at shooting and submitting to Rockstar. She agreed and we set up a time to shoot. The MUA showed up on time but Cerida was a bit late. She ran into issues that prevented her from showing up on time and I believe my MUA was a bit put off by it, but we were able to get the shoot in. My MUA wanted a “Candy girl” type theme so she brought some candy to pour out and let Sera frolic around in it. The images were successfully submitted to Rockstar and ran in their February issue:

Sera had wanted to setup more shoots and sessions and one time when we were talking, she said she had said she couldn’t pay for any sessions but was excited to work with me. On one phone call she had told me she was driving an hour + south to work with a fauxtographer and was paying him 150.00. At that point I realized that she didn’t value the work we did together and while I got her her only nationally published images, she  would rather pay a fauxtographer instead of me. I decided that this was a relationship that had to be more business than personal and made moves to make it happen. One night I had a good friend over and we were playing my brand new Playstation 3. I was playing Tekken and having a blast when he got on my pc. He and Sera began talking via Myspace and had convos that were inappropriate for my computer. It ended with them disagreeing as he was saying she was wrong for not paying me but paying the fauxtographer and her saying she didn’t care. The next day she emailed me and had some unkind words for me. It had been two years since I had heard anything from her. She never got a copy of the magazine she was in! I saw her at a bikini competition she was in, she was there rooting on a friend. She approached me and told me she was sorry for “freaking out on you”. I told her it was all good! This was about five years ago.

Today, Sera and I are reunited on Facebook. We never really talk on there but the beautiful thing of FB is that when/if that time comes, it’s just a simple click away. I wish Sera continued success in all she does and enjoy the images from Rockstar Magazine:


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