Meet the Models: Meg

Meg was scheduled to go up last week but I was out of town on the mini vacation. I could have put up something quick, but why cheat her?

I met Meg through a mutual model named Ember. Ember had contacted me about wanting to model and came in for a shoot. She had a good time and her good friend Meg either asked or contacted me based off the images she saw of Ember. Right away when I saw her Facebook page I was unsure of her intentions. Understand, Meg is a photographer as well. This was two years ago and where I was really putting the final touches on my style. I had no idea of she was just trying to come in and steal my setups? or if she really wanted to model? I proceeded with EXTREME and unneeded caution. Before every session I book, I ask the model what styles she’s open to shooting. I do this so I don’t hit that uncomfortable “Lets have you shoot X” when they’re not comfortable. This application they fill out isn’t  a requirement, but guideline so I know. Meg chose implied topless.

The day of the shoot comes and I decide I wasn’t going to give the hotness when it came to lighting. I didn’t want her stealing it. We sat and met first, talking so I could get to know her a bit. Right away I loved her smile and eyes. She was awkward, almost as if she wasn’t entirely comfortable in the body she had, but was dealing with it. She seemed more like someone I could get to help rebuild the engine with, vs shooting photos. I don’t judge and continued getting to know her. While getting to know her I noticed that what I was seeing was that awkward stage of going from an awkward teen to young woman. Later on, I found I was right in her prefering to rebuild a transmission, vs dressing up being “girly” After our introduction was done, we started to shoot.

While we were shooting, I started to really LISTEN to what she was saying and although she said she was open to implied, I knew she was open to more. How? She had lots of questions about implied, topless and nude modeling. Nothing too major, just curiosity questions. As the shoot progressed, we moved into some implied topless images and before we called it a wrap, I suggested she try some topless. Just to see how they were. She told me that would be crazy-that’s not a “No” and that she wasn’t sure. I told her it was fine she didn’t have to and we stalled a bit. Finally I said “Put this hat on and it’ll cover your face. This way, no one will know it was you.” She agreed but looking back, it was stupid on my part because she has a tattoo that is pretty identifiable.

She had a blast and we got some good for the time images. Shortly thereafter, I got the infamous Ball Chair and did a session on it. She saw the chair and HAD to come in and shoot on it. I liked this chick, she was different. She was truly one of the guys, but an awesome chick body. She was quirky and funny, yet quiet and intimidating. Meg has this way of when she’s looking at you, she’s starring into you and it makes you vulnerable. This isn’t a bad thing, but if you’re unsure of yourself, you’ll know it right away. She said she wanted to shoot nudes on the chair. I laughed and said alright and we set the date. The photos we took, were some of the most iconic photos I took on the ball chair:

After that shoot, I got several emails from mutual friends of ours saying “I would have NEVER expected Meg to do something like this! It’s so beautiful” and my favorite “Beautiful photos of Meg. She’s such a tomboy I can’t believe she looks so beautiful” It confirmed my suspicion that she was a “Tomboy” but she pulled the girly off with out incident!


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