
Happy birthday blog!

Hey guys,

Getting back into the swing of posing more regularly hehe.

This week last year, I started my blog. I don’t know why I started it, yes I do, every time I logged in to look at one of my other domains, the domain host said “jaykilgore.com is open, grab it before someone else does” so I grabbed it up.

One year later, I’m still going strong and I love to blog. I have different ideas for this blog back in the day. Back in the day, I wanted it to be a professional, rant and drama free blog, but as it turns out, I’m an open guy and tend to speak open and honestly.

What was I doing this time last year? Oh my birthday, I shot with a model who brought her over jealous and annoying boyfriend to the shoot and followed it up with two girls in which one girl was annoying and the other was cool.

This is how I spent last year:

The model who brought her boyfriend with her to the shoot. I was shooting with another guy. I had no interest in shooting her once she wasn’t able to corral her boyfriend.

An oldie, but goodie
An oldie, but goodie

THIS is how I spent my birthday and the birth of this blog THIS year:

Shooting one of my favorite models in lingerie. I was told by both her and her mom, I am the “ONLY photographer that will EVER shoot Maeggie this way” Take care of your models, treat them right. Let them know that you care more about THEM than getting them as nekked as possible and you’ll be alright. I don’t care much to shoot her in Lingerie, just honored that she chose me to shoot lingerie first.

Maeggie is all grown up!
Maeggie is all grown up!

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