
Copyright? TFCD?

Pretty much, every TFCD shoot I’ve ever done has bitten me in the ass. About two years ago, I stopped shooting them. I took a six month break from shooting models and have recently gotten back into it. Now I’m faced with whiney crybabies who want the world from me.

My question to you is: do you shoot TFCD?

And what do you do about copyright issues?

From time to time, I shoot TFCD sessions.  I use the TFCD session to play with lighting and settings and angles and all that stuff, so I know what will fly with a paying client, and what won’t. I think this weekend, with one of my favorite models Erika, it will be my last tfcd again. Too much a headache and I’ve noticed that once there’s money involved, everything is that much more professional. When I do TFCD shoots, it appears as if there’s no respect for my job and or business. “Models” feel as if they have the final say. When they pay, they’re a lot more professional and have more invested into the shoot.

What about you?

As far as copyright goes, I own them, in both, my general portrait, as well as model world. When the client is paying, they have a bit more say, but overall, I still own it. I respect my business since it pays my bills, and I demand all who enter through it’s doors to do the same.

Are you less stringent with your copyright?


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