

Today’s update is of Nicole. Nicole came as a referral shoot for a website. It’s been a while since I’ve shot for a site so I figured why not? The setup was simple, just one light a Photogenic Solair PLR500DRC with a silver 24″ beauty dish with diffusion sock. Not sure what happened to her, she sort of disappeared off the face of the earth (as many of them do!) My hopes is she’s alive and well and pursuing other dreams.

Some Jacqui

A few weeks ago, I posted some images of Jacqui. I’ve gotten a lot of requests for more so I put together a little demo video as well as some images from our shoot.

Jessica F.

I had been aware of Jessica F for quite some time. I was actually nervous to work with her. She has a great look and I looove her body type. I had contacted her a few years back but never heard back from her. We got in touch a few months ago, but then I fell ill and lost touch with humanity lol.

Meet Lauren

I first met Lauren in April of 2010. When I saw her photos, I thought “Wow! She’s really pretty!” In her photos, she never smiled and the mystery of her intrigued me. Right away I thought she was a glamour girl and I wanted to shoot her. I honestly forgot how we actually started talking, but not soon after we had a date to shoot. If you know ANYTHING about models you know that 10am your and my time, is actually 10:20-11:00 model time. I was on my way to the studio at 10am when she text’d me and told me she had been outside since 9:45 waiting for me!

Meet Cass

In tradition with meeting the models, I want to keep it going with Cass. I met Cass online about a year ago. She has a look that drew me in right away. I found her wit and quips to be second to none therefore shooting her was a must. We talked here and there for about a year, then one day she contacted me and told me she was moving to FL and wanted to shoot before she left. The day we shot, she just got her braces off earlier in the a.m. and was excited to shoot. We shot several different styles and I have to say, this series…captured my eye She had so much fun she’s coming back in on my birthday in a few weeks and we’re shooting again! I can’t wait as this second shoot will be even hotter!

Meet Anna C

I saw Anna and right away thought she had a great, great look and amazing body! She has a GREAT personality and is amazing to be around. Here’s a few grabs from our session. I have to get her back in!