As you know, I’m shooting and featuring a lot of my work on Glamour Model Magazine and one of the areas I want to focus on is video. I hate doing video, but I love doing video.

I hate learning how to edit video as I just learned Photoshop, but I do admit it’s fun! I enjoy looking at the finished product and have a lot of video that I’ve done nothing with. The guys and gals over at GMM asked me to put together a worksafe video as well as a regular video to show what is coming so here it is:

Worksafe Models: Jodi Lavoie, Natalie, Jodi Lavoie,  Amanda Sue and Ashley, Emory, Maegan, Erika and Katy Robinson

Teaser of upcoming video posts from Jay Kilgore from Glamour Model Magazine on Vimeo.

Regular video models: Jodi Lavoie, Erika, Sarah, Lauren, Unknown, Katie and Chloe, Amanda Sue and Ashley, Erika and Janelle

Sample teaser of videos to come! from jay kilgore on Vimeo.

The video thing is a works in progress so go easy on me but I enjoy it. I enjoy having the moving image to go along side the photograph. The biggest issue is keeping everything real from photo to video but I enjoy it. The models are listed in accordance to their appearance. I’ve thought about doing a Pateron account but it seems like a lot of work so before anyone asks, yes, I am open to selling any of the stuff I post. When applicable, I will share with the models of course!


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