If you’re lost on what we’ve covered in this series, the following links should bring you up to speed:

So you want to be a model: A models inspiration
So you want to be a model: Styles/Genres of modeling
So you want to be a model: Making money

So you want to be a model: The shoot -prepared

Now lets talk about model preparedness. So far this series has been about what you need to do to get ready for a career in modeling, but the one area I’ve stayed away from is shoot preparedness. I’ve held this off until now for the simple fact this is one of the most important aspects of being a model. As we all know, I don’t allow escorts at my sessions. As documented here, I go into great detail of my experiences that has shaped my views on the issue. Another reason I don’t allow them is because I don’t know the person you’re bringing. I don’t even know YOU, much less who you bring. While assaults can happen to anyone regardless the sex, I am not as worried about it as I should be, nor as much as the clients that step in front of my camera. One MAIN reason I dislike escorts is often times, the escort has MORE energy than the client for the fact the client is nervous and the escort usually WANTS to shoot. They end up taking over and I get better shots of them than the client.  All this being said, I know exactly my intentions with the clients that come before me and my camera. I can and do assure them they are safer with me, than any other place on the planet as I would risk life and limb before I let anything happen to them. At the end of the day, the clients must do their homework.

A HUGE part of being a model is researching who you will be representing. I’ve shot for several commercial clients and one of the questions the client asks is; “What drew you to my product?” For a split second the models face goes blank and she has to think up something. Had she done her homework previously, she’d be ready for this question vs saying what they think the client wants to hear, or worse, saying it’s a job. You can NEVER do enough research on someone, client, photographer, model, babysitter, future employer, future employee and so on. You never know who or where you’re going and the worst thing you can be is unprepared. I invite EVERYONE that wants to book a session with me, to research me. Talk to their friends, find out about me. Google me. Read my “About Jay” section, learn about me so when we meet, it will be like meeting with an old friend. I am VERY transparent and have all my information out there ready to be viewed. I have nothing to hide and welcome people into the business part of my life.

A few months back, a young woman was on her way to what was believed to be a modeling gig. She left Colorado Springs and never showed up. She has yet to be found and because she is not a minor, the search is slow moving. It has been several months and while the family holds out hope, I sadly don’t share the same sentiments and can only use this to warn others in similar positions. Again, you can NEVER be too sure who you’re meeting up with so the best chances you have are to do your homework on the client/industry person you’ll be working with. Back in the day before everyone was a professional photographer, photographers had to have a less than 10% complaint rate. ANYONE shooting and shooting a significant amount of people will have those who couldn’t get their way or who just didn’t like the service provided. This accounted for your 10% rate. With so many “professionals” in front and behind the camera, this industry standard rule has gone out the window.

Sadly for Kara Nichols it may be too late, but she can be used to educate not only aspiring and established models, but parents, husbands, boyfriends alike to have the would be model research and discover who they will be working with.

My heart goes out to the family of Kara and I hope she is ultimately found soon.

The Help Us Find Kara Nichols facebook page. Join it if you would like.


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