There’s an absolutely great saying regarding photography as a career that I love. The quote is by Phillippe Halsman
I drifted into photography like ones drifts into prostitution. First I did it to please myself, then I did it to please family and friends, and eventually I did it for the money
I’ve to this day found something that sums my photographic career. I started photography doing “Street photography” then progressed into candid photography. I created the largest candid photography forum on the net and ended up selling it for a few grand. At the start of the 2000’s I started shooting model photography and due to my upbringing, was able to “See” light and eventually emulate lighting I saw. I went on to get published in many national magazines and amass a large number of sponsors. I started teaching photography workshops and teaching my lighting and retouching brand.
Around 2016 all that stopped. I learned that photography as a career wasn’t what I enjoyed. I became a businessman and not a human. I didn’t like who I had to become to be a photographer of note. I stopped shooting all together around 2016. I was living in Cali and that didn’t help as Cali models and photographer egos was something I wanted nothing to do with. I left Cali and photography behind in 2019. 2020 comes around and I started to get the itch. COVID happens and completely kills it. I was living in MN and not shooting at all really. 2022 came around and my love of photography is back. Join me as I’m back into photography and doing it because I want to, not because I have to. Join me on this journey and check back often for updates!